作者: Anand Swaminath , Jen Hoogenes , Oleg Mironov , Braden Millan , Edward Matsumoto
摘要: Results: The first 24 patients (120 fractions) were analyzed. A cluster-based logistic regression was performed. The odds of FE resulting in a ‘yes’ to beam-on was 2.86-fold greater (95% CI, 1.03-8; p= 0.04) than PEG. Median treatment time in the FE group was 11.05 minutes (IQR, 9.37-17.67) compared to 13.95 minutes (IQR, 9.2-39.13) in the PEG group (p= 0.16). Analysis for rectal diameter is in progress and will be available for final presentation.Conclusions: Daily pre-treatment FE resulted in a higher rate of favourable rectal anatomy for prostate SBRT. There was no statistical difference in overall treatment time.