作者: Leandro Custodio do Amaral , Eduardo Jardel Portela , Marcelo Magaldi Ribeiro de Oliveira , Marilis Tissot Lara , Silvio Roberto de Sousa-Pereira
摘要: Objective: Presenting statistical data on a series of cases undergoing surgical treatment of epilepsy at the Hospital das Clinicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (HC-UFMG) in the period between 11/23/2007 and 12/7/2010. Methods: Retrospective analysis with charts of 34 patients and classification of seizure control postoperatively using the Engel Scale. Results: 70.5% of the patients had the onset of seizures before 15 years old and the most common type of seizure was complex partial seizure with secondary generalization, presented in 55% of cases. Mesial temporal sclerosis was the underlying diagnosis in 79.4% of patients. There were surgical complications in 23.5% of cases, the most frequent visual field changes (8.8% of cases). Conclusion: Seizure control was consistent with Engel III or less in 64.7% of cases. Surgical treatment has proved effective in improving seizure control in patients with …