作者: LT Tóth-Soma , NM Datta , Zs Szegletes
摘要: The intracellular latex secretion and the extracellular nectar secretion are anatomically connected to each other in Asclepias syriaca L. The whole gynostemium is interwoven by the non-articulated laticifers, and they can also be found in the tissues of the epimorph nectary. The latex system is divided into several branches in the gland parenchyma, and the epithelial glandular tissues of the nectary. The question as to whether there is also a functional connection as a consequence of the anatomical connection (or whether it is possible that certain materials of the latex are sccrcted into the nectar and arc finally mixed into the honey) between the two secretional systems was answered by TLC and GC-MSD analyses of the latex and the honey.By means of TLC analyses at 254 nm and reactions with general alkaloid reagents (Dragendorff reagent, Meyer reagent and 1% Cc (S04). solution in IMH, S04), several compounds were detected both in the latex and in the honey of Asclepias. Due to the lack of TLC standards, these compounds were not identified, and only the degree of compositional identity of the latex and the honey was established. By means of GC-MSD (a gas chromatograph coupled with a mass selective detector) analyses, the following compounds which can also be found in the latex were identified in the honey of Asclepias syriaca: 2-propcnoic acid 6-methylheptyl ester (retention lime: 6.95 min). pentadecane (ret. time: 10.80 min), diethyl phthalate (ret. time: 11.43 min), hexadecane (ret. time: 12.05 min), heptadecane (ret. time: 13.20 min), 2.6, 10, 14-tetramethyl pentadecane (ret. time: 13.30 min), octadccane (ret. time: 14.32 min). 2 …