作者: Danielle M Stern
摘要: Mirca Madianou and Daniel Miller define polymedia as “an emerging environment of communicative opportunities that functions as an ‘integrated structure’within which each individual medium is defined in relational terms in the context of other media.” 1 Adam Tyma, Andrew F. Herrmann and Art Herbig expand this definition to signify the various forms media take in the current era, as well as the many types of interactions that occupy those forms. 2 According to Michelle Calka, polymediation is a product and process of identity performance that is ubiquitous, shape-shifting in its authorship, simultaneously fragmented and merged, and both divisive and communal. 3 Danielle Stern and Chelsea Henderson applied this idea to feminist activism via the polymediated platforms of the Representation Project, which they found allowed for both formal and informal organizing around feminist gathering spaces online and offline. 4 Their interviews with young women who practiced feminism on the various Representation Project polymediated platforms demonstrated a convergence of ideas, conversations, and commitments to a unified cause. However, how might conventions articulated by young women actively identifying as feminists operate in similar spaces but also resist a totalizing movement identity?