作者: Michael Boch , Patrick E Beeler , Balthasar L Hug , Sonja Bertschy
摘要: We know, not just since Daniel Kahneman’s book “Thinking, fast and slow”, how prone we are to coming to conclusions by simplifying information. 1 In clinical reasoning, pattern recognition is a valid strategy. However, patterns can be challenged, especially during a pandemic. To provide the best possible care for our patients, we need to critically evaluate our judgements.On Feb 1, 2020, a Chinese man aged 29 years was referred from an outpatient clinic to the emergency department of the Lucerne Cantonal Hospital with a suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection. He had arrived in Switzerland from Portugal 3 days earlier. Since then, he had high fever, headache, muscle pain, and a sore throat. His companion was travelling with him and had no symptoms. Clinical examination confirmed his slightly reduced general condition and febrile state (38· 5 C). Laboratory tests showed increased C-reactive protein (63 mg/L …