Accuracy of different methods of working length determination in endodontics

作者: G Midhun Mohan , V Susila Anand



摘要: Background: Accurate assessment of the working length determines the success and prognosis of endodontic treatment. There are no systematic reviews comparing the accuracy of different methods of working length determination in endodonticsAim: To evaluate clinical studies on the accuracy of different methods used for working length determination in endodontics.Search strategy: Search was conducted on Pub med central, Medline and Mesh data base for the related topic from 1991 to 2012. Articles were selected, if they met the following criteria: clinical trials, clinical studies, randomized controlled trials and controlled clinical trials. Results: There is no significant difference between conventional methods and electronic apex locators in the accuracy of working length determination. But electronic apex locators and digital radiographic methods were found to be beneficial from the perspective of radiation dose reduction. Conclusion: Electronic apex locators are not superior to radiographs in determining working length. Long term follow up studies evaluating post operative success comparing electronic apex locators and radiographic methods are needed to appreciate the best method of working length determination in endodontics.
