作者: M Esposito , L Serpe , C Rossini , V Castellano , P Gallo
摘要: An evaluation of cases of poisoning in animals (pets, birds and wild animals) is presented. 239 samples of organs and tissues from poisoned animals, including baits, were analysed by the Department of Chemistry of IZSM from 2001-2003. In all, 536 analyses were carried out. Dogs were the species most commonly poisoned (55.6%), followed by cats (14.1%), birds (7.8%) and fishes (6.3%). The cause of death was determined in only 10 cases. The following toxic substances were observed: strichnine in gastric contents of a dog, methyl-parathion and arsenic in baits and endosulfan in various organs of dogs and wild animals (wolf and fox). Warfarin, an anticoagulant rodenticide, the major toxic agent reported in presumptive diagnosis (28%) was not observed in the study. No positive results were obtained by biotoxicological tests in the samples analysed. The results in this report can be of great help to …