Nanocompound core-shell TiO 2@ CeO 2 obtained by the Pechini method

作者: Leulomar Enedino do Nascimento , Nivaldo Freire de Andrade Neto , Onécima Biatriz de Medeiros Ramalho , Fabiana Villela da Motta , Mauricio Roberto Bomio Delmonte



摘要: This work reports the obtaining of a core-shell from the titanium dioxide (core) and cerium oxide (shell) b the Pechini method, in proportions of 10, 30 and 50% shell. The powders were characterized b X-ra diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscop (TEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscop (FTIR), UV-Vis spectroscop (UV-Vis) and photocatal tic acti it was measured from meth lene blue (MB) de degradation illuminated b UV radiation. Based on the data obtained in the XRD, it was possible to obser e the phases of TiO2 and CeO2 from their characteristic peaks, with the obser ation that with the increase of the proportion of cerium oxide, the peaks of this material quickl o erlap with the peaks of dioxide of titanium. No formation of secondar phases was obser ed. TEM images were performed to identif core shell formation and not onl impregnation. The compound is expected to exhibit photocatal tic acti it through the use meth lene blue de higher than the isolated compounds [1]. cknowledgements:
