作者: Fatima CM Piña-Rodrigues , Augusto J Piratelli , Ana C Rudge , FR GONDIM , M FREIRE
摘要: Seed and birds were important mobile links to maintenance of connectivity because they were related to long distance plant dispersal. At the same time, seed input is a tool that can help to monitor forest restoration success and resilience. A quantitative approach was applied to compare seed rain, dispersal distances and bird communities in a pristine area and four fragments in an agricultural landscape. Dispersal syndromes were efficient indicators of degradation, and zoochory less than 60% indicated a high level of disturbance. Artificial perches were distance and source limited and distances less or higher than 100-200 m were no effective to promote zoochoric seed rain input and seedling establishment. Natural perches more than artificial ones were indicated in a “stepstone” model to restore fragments connectivity.