The South African experience in mine safety

作者: May Hermanus , Carl Marx



摘要: The paper documents recent efforts to improve occupational health and safety in the South African mining industry. The main tenets and provisions of the Mine Health and Safety Act, which was promulgated in 1997, are reviewed, namely tripartism, worker rights and risk assessment. The methodologies employed by the Inspectorate to ensure compliance with the Act, such as targeted auditing and inspections, are described, and the principal safety and health risks are discussed, namely falls of ground, trucks and tramways, noise induced hearing loss, tuberculosis and silicosis. Also included in a brief description of the database, South African Mines Reportable Accident Statistic System (SAMRASS), in which accident and incident related information is captured. Finally, the importance of achieving a culture change to support and sustain high standards of health and safety is highlighted. 2 figs., 1 tab.
