E. McDonald-Madden , H. P. Possingham , P. W. J. Baxter , W. J. M. Probert
Science & Engineering Faculty
G. Guillera-Arroita , K. M. Giljohann , J. L. Moore , M. A. McCarthy
20th Australasian Weeds Conference, Perth, Western Australia, 11-15 September 2016 171 -178
C. E. Hauser , G. E. Garrard , J. L. Moore
Biosecurity surveillance: quantitative approaches 151 -166
N.E.B. Hammond , D. Hardie , C.E. Hauser , S.A. Reid
Crop Protection 79 8 -14
N.E.B. Hammond , D. Hardie , C.E. Hauser , S.A. Reid
Crop Protection 79 26 -33
C.E. Hauser , E.G. Cooch , J.-D. Lebreton
Ecological Modelling 196 ( 3) 462 -470
C.E. Hauser , M.C. Runge , E.G. Cooch , F.A. Johnson
Ecological Modelling 201 ( 1) 27 -36
T.M. Rout , C.E. Hauser , H.P. Possingham
Ecological Modelling 201 ( 1) 67 -74
Iadine Chadès , Sam Nicol , Tracy Rout , Martin Peron
Theoretical Ecology doi:10.1007/s12080 -doi:10.1007/s12080
Cindy Emma Hauser
University of Queensland
Sonja Needs , Cindy E. Hauser , Cindy E. Hauser , Emma Bennett
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 236 105276
Libby Rumpff , Michael C. Runge , Joslin L. Moore , Joslin L. Moore
Conservation Biology
Rosanna van Hespen , Cindy E. Hauser , Joe Benshemesh , Libby Rumpff
Wildlife Research 46 ( 2) 154 -164
Cindy E. Hauser , Michael A. McCarthy
Ecology Letters 12 ( 7) 683 -692
Greg Lefoe , Laurence Haegi , Libby Rumpff , David Gopurenko
Biological Control 143 104165
Freya M. Thomas , Peter A. Vesk , Cindy E. Hauser
Ecological Applications 28 ( 8) 2130 -2141
Katherine M. Giljohann , Cindy E. Hauser , Nicholas S. G. Williams , Joslin L. Moore
Journal of Applied Ecology 48 ( 5) 1286 -1294
Eve McDonald-Madden , William J. M. Probert , Cindy E. Hauser , Michael C. Runge
Ecological Applications 20 ( 5) 1476 -1489
Joslin L. Moore , Cindy E. Hauser , Jennifer L. Bear , Nicholas S. G. Williams
Ecological Applications 21 ( 2) 601 -607
Alana L. Moore , Cindy E. Hauser , Michael A. McCarthy
Ecological Applications 18 ( 4) 1061 -1069