Chris Bishop , Andrew Blake , David Fleet , Zoubin Ghahramani
H Greenspan , R Goodman Belongie , P Perona
MaireM LinTY , HaysJ BelongieS , RamananD PeronaP , ZitnickCL DollárP
ProceedingsoftheEuropean ConferenceonComputerVision. Zurich, Switzerland: Springer 740 755 -755
Dollár Lin , Hays Belongie , Ramanan Perona , Zitnick Dollár
Y., Dollár, P., Girshick, R., He, K., Hariharan, B., & Belongie, S.(2017). Feature pyramid networks for object detection. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition 2117 -2125
BelongieS FowlkesC , F Chung
IEEE Transactions on Pat2 tern Analysis and M achine Intelligence 26 ( 2) 214 -225
Lin Tsung-Yi Maire Michael Belongie , Serge Hays James Perona Pietro Ramanan
Lawrence Microsoft COCO: Common Objects in Context Computer Vision–ECCV 2014
KA Hill , AC Mah , A Kotte , ML Belongie
Poster accepted at the 49th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, IL
JI Statman , KM Cheung , TH Chauvin , J Rabkin
The Telecommunications and Data Acquisition Report 114 -114
J Malik Belongie
S Malik Belongie
Advances in neural information processing systems 831 -837
Carolina Galleguillos Andrew Rabinovich Serge Belongie
Carolina Galleguillos1 Serge Belongie
Springer Computer Science Workbench Series 264 -264
Proceedingsof theIEEEInternationalConferenceon Computer Vision. NJ: IEEE
S Agarwal , M Chandraker , F Kahl , D Kriegman
European Conference on Computer Vision (EC CV 2006), Graz, Austria
Tsung-Yi Lin Michael Maire Serge , Belongie Lubomir Bourdev Ross Girshick James
arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.0312
Serge Belongie , Peter Welinder , Florian Schroff , Pietro Perona
California Institute of Technology
Hovav Shacham , Serge Belongie , Eric Rescorla , Kai Wang
conference on electronic voting technology workshop on trustworthy elections 1 -8
Serge Belongie , Hayit Greenspan , Jitendra Malik , Chad Carson
University of California at Berkeley
Serge Belongie , Peter Welinder , Pietro Perona , Steve Branson
California Institute of Technology