Richard W. Knapton , John R. Krebs
The Condor 78 ( 4) 567
John R. Krebs , Mark Avery , Richard J. Cowie
Animal Behaviour 29 ( 2) 635 -637
John R. Krebs , Susan D. Healy , Sara J. Shettleworth
Animal Behaviour 39 ( 6) 1127 -1137
Innes C. Cuthill , Alejandro Kacelnik , John R. Krebs , Patsy Haccou
Animal Behaviour 40 ( 4) 625 -640
David F. Sherry , John R. Krebs , Richard J. Cowie
Animal Behaviour 29 ( 4) 1260 -1266
Richard J. Cowie , John R. Krebs , David F. Sherry
Animal Behaviour 29 ( 4) 1252 -1259
John R. Krebs , Ruth Ashcroft , Karl Van Orsdol
Animal Behaviour 29 ( 3) 918 -923
Eric L. Charnov , John R. Krebs
The American Naturalist 109 ( 965) 107 -112
John R. Krebs
The American Naturalist 115 ( 1) 147 -149
Peter K. McGregor , John R. Krebs , Christopher M. Perrins
The American Naturalist 118 ( 2) 149 -159
Nicky S. Clayton , John R. Krebs
Animal Learning & Behavior 22 ( 4) 366 -372
John R. Krebs
Conservation Ecology 4 ( 1)
Katherine A. Jones , John R. Krebs , Mark J. Whittingham
Journal of Avian Biology 37 ( 5) 413 -418
John R. Krebs
Nature 304 ( 5922) 117 -117
John R. Krebs , Jeremy D. Wilson , Richard B. Bradbury , Gavin M. Siriwardena
Nature 400 ( 6745) 611 -612
John R. Krebs
Nature 344 ( 6269) 893 -894
John R. Krebs , Robert M. May
Nature 343 ( 6256) 310 -311
John R. Krebs
Springer US 225 -270
Sara J. Shettleworth , John R. Krebs , David W. Stephens , John Gibbon
Animal Behaviour 36 ( 1) 87 -105
John R. Krebs , Michael H. MacRoberts , J. M. Cullen
Ibis 114 ( 4) 507 -530