Reversed North Atlantic subpolar gyre dynamics in present and glacial climates

M Montoya , A Born , A Levermann
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 7575 -7575

Detailed response to the Editor on manuscript tc-2018-109

J Feldmann , R Reese , R Winkelmann , A Levermann

Detailed response to the Editor on manuscript tc-2016-235

J Feldmann , A Levermann , Dear Prof Vieli

Comparing ice discharge through West Antarctic Gateways: Weddell vs. Amundsen Sea warming

MA Martin , A Levermann , R Winkelmann ,
The Cryosphere Discussions 9 ( 2) 1705 -1733


M Montoya , A Griesel , A Levermann , J Mignot
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Potential climatic transitions with

A Levermann , J Bamber , S Drijfhout , A Ganopolski

Submission PDF

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Ice-Sheet Model Sensitivities to Environmental Forcing and Their Use in Projecting Future Sea-Level (The SeaRISE Project)

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