Mesures complémentaires (module 2 du projet) sur le bassin d'alimentation de la Fontaine de Nîmes-Rapport final.

Jean-Christophe Maréchal , Nathalie Dörfliger , Bernard Ladouche
BRGM (Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières)(Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières)

Synthèse des connaissances géologiques et hydrogéologiques sur le bassin d'alimentation de la Fontaine de Nîmes-Rapport final.

Jean-Christophe Maréchal , Victor Petit , Bernard Ladouche
BRGM (Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières)(Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières)

Computing the drainage discharge and assessing the impacts of tunnels drilled in Hard Rocks

Patrick Lachassagne , Jean-Christophe Maréchal , Claudine Lamotte

Multi-traçage de la Fontaine de Nˆımes

Jean-Christophe Maréchal , Nathalie Courtois , Gilbert Jouanen , Philippe Meus

Hydrology of a rainforest headwater swamp from natural chemical tracing (Nsimi, Cameroon)

Jean-Christophe Maréchal , Jean-Jacques Braun , Jean Riotte , Jean-Pierre Bedimo

of two karst systems computing different modelling

Yvan Caballero , Laila Zerouali , Bernard Ladouche , Sandra Lanini

Characterization of the role of heterogeneous advection and diffusion on transport in weathered and fractured granite.

N. Guihéneuf , O. Bour , T. Le Borgne , J. Marechal
AGU Fall Meeting 2013 2013

Application of End-Member Mixing Analysis to karst hydrogeology

B. Ladouche , J. Marechal , C. Batiot-Guilhe , J. Seidel
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013

New analytical solution for the study of hydraulic interaction between Alpine tunnels and groundwater

Jean-Christophe Maréchal , Pierre Perrochet
Bulletin De La Societe Geologique De France 174 ( 5) 441 -448

The Multiscale TROPIcal CatchmentS critical zone observatory M‐TROPICS dataset I: The Nyong River Basin, Cameroon

Emma Rochelle‐Newall , Stéphane Audry , Olivier Ribolzi , Mikael Faucheux
Hydrological Processes 35 ( 5)

An Approximation of Inner Boundary Conditions for Wells Intersecting Highly Conductive Structures

Markus Giese , Thomas Reimann , Rudolf Liedl , Benoit Dewandel
Ground Water 58 ( 4) 611 -621

Long term monitoring of rainwater harvesting tanks: is multi-years management possible in crystalline South Indian aquifers?

Alexandre Boisson , David Villesseche , Adrien Selles , Marina Alazard
Hydrological Processes 36 ( 12) e14759

Heat tracing in a fractured aquifer with injection of hot and cold water

Richard Hoffmann , Jean‐Christophe Maréchal , Adrien Selles , Alain Dassargues
Groundwater 60 ( 2) 192 -209

A methodology for regionalizing 3-D effective porosity at watershed scale in crystalline aquifers

Benoît Dewandel , Yvan Caballero , Jérôme Perrin , Alexandre Boisson
Hydrological Processes 31 ( 12) 2277 -2295