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Ali M Al-Aidaroos , Mohsen MO El-Sherbiny , Sathianeson Satheesh , Gopikrishna Mantha
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Susana Augustí
Fundación BBVA
Susana Agustí Montolío
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Susana Agusti Montolio , Rafael Molina López , Carolyn Cray , Santiago Lavín González
Veterinary Clinical Pathology 46 ( 3) 483 -495
E. Agusti-Montolio , S. , Cuenca-Valera , R.
Veterinary Clinical Pathology 47 ( 1) 78 -93
X.A.G. Morán , P. Chouciño , E. Moreno-Ostos , J.L. Otero-Ferrer
Informatica Didactica
V. Chaidez , D. Dreano , S. Agusti , C. M. Duarte
Scientific Reports 7 ( 1) 8144 -8144
P. Wassmann , E.C. Carmack , B.A. Bluhm , C.M. Duarte
Progress in Oceanography 189 102455
S. Agusti
Biogeosciences Discussions 9 ( 1) 507 -525
S. Agusti , J. I. González-Gordillo , D. Vaqué , M. Estrada
Nature Communications 6 ( 1) 7608 -7608
A. N. Schwier , C. Rose , E. Asmi , A. M. Ebling
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 ( 14) 7961 -7976
J. Kalff , C. Duarte , S. Agusti
Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie: Verhandlungen 26 ( 4) 1727 -1727
N. Marba , C. M. Duarte , S. Agusti
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 ( 40) 15777 -15780
C. M. Duarte , S. Agusti , H. Peters
Oecologia 74 ( 2) 272 -276
S. Agusti , S. Enriquez , H. Frost-Christensen , K. Sand-Jensen
Functional Ecology 8 ( 2) 273 -279
V. Chaidez , D. Dreano , S. Agusti , C. M. Duarte
Scientific Reports 8 ( 1) 7535 -7535
Xabier Irigoien , T. A. Klevjer , A. Røstad , U. Martinez
Nature Communications 5 ( 1) 3271 -3271
MariaPaola Mura , MariaPaola Satta , Susana Agust�
Polar Biology 15 ( 1) 15 -20
Carlos M Duarte , Susana Agustı́ , Hilary Kennedy , Dolors Vaqué
Progress in Oceanography 44 ( 1) 245 -270