Profundidades oceánicas: La función de la respiración

Susana Agustí , Carlos M. Duarte , Javier Arístegui Ruiz
Investigación y ciencia [ISSN 0210-136X] (321), p. 36-37 ( 321) 36 -37

Impacts of climate change on organisms in the Mediterranean Sea [Dataset]

Núria Marbà , Susana Agustí , Gabriel Jordá , Carlos M. Duarte

UVR increased toxicity of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons mixture to marine phytoplankton

Susana Agustí , Pedro Echeveste , Jordi Dachs
American Geophysical Union

Effect of the arctic ice melting on bacterial carbon fluxes via viral lysis and protistan grazing

Julia A Boras , M Montserrat Sala , Jesús M Arrieta López de Uralde , Elisabet L Sà
Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography

How increasing temperature affects microbial communities of two contrasting Arctic marine systems

Dolors Vaqué , Elena Lara , Iñigo García-Zarandona , Julia A Boras

Metabolismo del plancton marino: papel en la regulación de la atmósfera

Susana Agustí , Rafel Simó
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)

On the Ice Floe

Susana Agustí
Fundación BBVA

Effects of pollution on the growth and grazing balance of oceanic phytoplankton communities examined during the Malaspina-2010 Expedition

Susana Agustí , María Isabel Cerezo , Patricia Puerta
Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography

Response of polar microbial communities to ice melting

Jesús M Arrieta López de Uralde , Antonio Tovar-Sánchez , Carlos M Duarte , Dolors Vaqué

Establishing temperature thresholds and tipping points on bacterial carbon fluxes through viruses and protist in the Arctic Ocean

Elena Lara , Iñigo García-Zarandona , Jesús M Arrieta López de Uralde , Julia A Boras
Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography

Lethality of PAH's to marine phytoplankton

Susana Agustí , Pedro Echeveste , Jordi Dachs

Effects of UV radiation on the net metabolism of pelagic communities

Susana Agustí , Aurore Regaudie de Gioux , Jesús M Arrieta López de Uralde , Carlos M Duarte
Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography

Ciliacos árticos, una explosión de vida

Susana Agustí , Dolors Vaqué , Mireia Collado Pastor
Investigación y ciencia ( 449) 46 -47

The Photobiological Regime and Oceanic Primary Production

Rolando Cárdenas , Liuba Peñate , Susana Agustí
Revista Cubana de Física 31 ( 2) 101 -102