Michael P. Guilfoyle , C. Lott , R. A. Fischer , D. N. Pashley
C. D. Beiner , R. A. Fischer
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 80
R. A. Fischer , J. Dainty , M. T. Tyree
Botany 52 ( 6) 1209 -1214
M. T. Tyree , R. A. Fischer , J. Dainty
Botany 52 ( 6) 1325 -1334
R. A. Fischer , T. J. MacAlister
Canadian Journal of Botany 53 ( 18) 1988 -1993
B. A. Silverberg , R. A. Fischer , T. Sawa
Protoplasma 89 ( 1) 73 -81
Brit Lisa Skjelkvåle , Berit Kvaeven , Harry Harmens , Maximilian Posch
United Nations Economic and Social Council
Harry Harmens , Richard Fisher , Martin Forsius , Jean-Paul Hettelingh
Working Group on Effects of the UNECE Convention on Long‐range Transboundary Air Pollution
Russell F. Theriot , Chester O. Martin , Wilma A. Mitchell , Guilfoyle M. Evans
C Akselsson , D Zlindra , S Vanguelova , E Waldner-Koekkoek
Roberto Canullo , F Starlinger , D. Aamlid , O Granke
UNECE / ICP Forests 1 1 -19
Nathalie Cools , Bruno De Voss , R Fischer , J San-Miguel-Ayanz
State of Europe's forests 2011 : status & trends in sustainable forest management in Europe 29 -49
N Clarke , R Fischer , W de Vries , L Lundin
Iforest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 4 ( 1) 162 -166
R Fischer , O Granke , G Chirici , P Meyer
Iforest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 2 ( 2) 67 -74
Richard Fischer , Wenche Aas , W De Vries , Nicholas Clarke
Iforest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 4 ( 4) 167 -171
W Seidling , D Travaglini , P Meyer , P Waldner
Iforest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 7 ( 5) 269 -281
A Danielewska , N Clarke , J Olejnik , K Hansen
Iforest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 6 ( 1) 1 -9
R Fischer , V Vielsmeier , TS Kuehnel , C Rohrmeier
Laryngo-rhino-otologie 98 11166
R Fischer , V Vielsmeier , TS Kuehnel , C Rohrmeier
Laryngo-rhino-otologie 98 11166
R Fischer , B Körner
Pneumologie 59 423