W.H. Daughdrill , M.J. Brown
Offshore Technology Conference
M.D. Williams , M.J. Brown , X. Cruz , G. Sosa
Atmospheric Environment 29 ( 21) 2929 -2960
M.D. Williams , M.J. Brown
S.J. Burian , M.J. Brown , T.N. McPherson
Water Science and Technology 45 ( 9) 269 -276
M.D. Williams , M.J. Brown
Other Information: PBD: Oct 1993
Los Alamos National Lab.(LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States) ( LA-UR-07-3109)
Akshay Gowardhana , Eric Pardyjakb , Inanc Senocakc , Michael Brownd
CHRIS Wilson , MICHAEL Brown
Creativity: Process, Product, Personality, Environment & Technology. KIE Conference book series
CE Augarde , Y Bing , TJ Charlton , WM Coombs
CE Augarde , Y Bing , TJ Charlton , WM Coombs
Eric Pardyjak , Inanc Senocak , Michael Brown , Akshay Gowardhan
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 60
Chris Wilson , Michael Brown
Knowledge, Innovation & Enterprise
Michael Brown , David Paterson
2017 WEI Education and Humanities Academic Conference Proceedings 46 -59
Christopher Wilson , Michael Brown , Peter Lennox , Gareth Hughes
Knowledge, Innovation & Enterprise
Michael Brown , William Anderson , Adrian F. L. Hyde
Deep Foundations Institute 617 -623
Chris Wilson , Michael Brown
Journal of Music, Technology and Education 5 ( 1) 89 -107
Fernando F. Grinstein , Gopal Patnaik , Adam J. Wachtor , Matt Nelson
Springer, Dordrecht 269 -274
Marina Neophytou , Akshay Gowardhan , Michael Brown
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 99 ( 4) 357 -368
Michael Brown , Marty Leach , Ron Calhoun , Scott Smith
2001 Structures Congress and Exposition, Structures 2001 1 -15
Grant Heiken , Greg A. Valentine , Michael Brown , Steen Rasmussen
Public Works Management & Policy 4 ( 3) 198 -212