Victor Sapozhknov , Christopher Paola , A. Brad Murray , E. Foufoula-Georgiou
St. Anthony Falls Laboratory
Christopher Paola
Woods Hole Oceanogr. Inst
Lincoln F. Pratson , Charles A. Nittrouer , Patricia L. Wiberg , Michael S. Steckler
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 339 -380
Paul L. Heller , Charles L. Angevine , Christopher Paola , D. W. Burbank
Geology 17 ( 10) 959 -961
Paul L. Heller , Charles L. Angevine , Nancy S. Winslow , Christopher Paola
Geology 16 ( 6) 501 -504
Christopher Paola , Gary Parker , Alessandro Cantelli , Christopher Paola
Christopher Paola , Gary Parker , Alessandro Cantelli
Christopher Paola , Gary Parker , Alessandro Cantelli , Christopher Paola
Christopher Paola , Gary Parker , Alessandro Cantelli , Christopher Paola
Christopher Paola , Gary Parker , Alessandro Cantelli , Christopher Paola
Gary Parker , Christopher Paola , Alessandro Cantelli
Christopher Paola , Gary Parker , Alessandro Cantelli
Gary Parker , Christopher Paola , Alessandro Cantelli
Christopher Paola , Gary Parker , Alessandro Cantelli
Mary E Power , Collin Bode , William E Dietrich , Christopher Paola
Karin B Kirk , R Heather Macdonald , Kathleen Benison , Marjorie A Chan
Abstracts with programs-Geological Society of America 39 ( 6) 558 -558
Karen M Campbell , Thomas A Hickson , Christopher Paola
Abstracts with programs-Geological Society of America 39 ( 6) 274 -274
R Heather Macdonald , Kathleen C Benison , Marjorie A Chan , Thomas A Hickson
Abstracts with programs-Geological Society of America 39 ( 6) 272 -272
Christopher Paola
Geotimes 42 ( 3) 52 -52
Chris R Paola , W. A. Murray