Claudia Adduce , Chris Paola , Federico Falcini , Giovanni la Forgia
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 13128
Jens M. Turowski , Douglas W. Burbank , Chris Paola , Stefanie Tofelde
EGUGA 13437
Vaughan Voller , Federico Falcini , Chris Paola , Doug Jerolmack
EGUGA 7281
Ajay Limaye , Chris Paola
EGUGA 1308
Chris Paola , Nicholas J Rodgers
Chris Paola , Kimberly Hill , Colin Phillips
Vaughan Voller , François Métivier , Eric Lajeunesse , Laurie Barrier
Taylor Schildgen , Chris Paola , Manfred Strecker , Stefanie Tofelde
Thierry Adatte , Laure Guerit , Chris Paola , Sebastien Castelltort
EGUGA 17749
Bodo Bookhagen , Douglas Burbank , Chris Paola , Aaron Bufe
EGUGA 15510
Vaughan Voller , Aaron Micallef , Celine Grall , Denis Cohen
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 2619
Vaughan Voller , Chris Paola
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 7693
Claudia Adduce , Chris Paola , Federico Falcini , Giovanni La Forgia
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 7847
Vaughan Voller , Chris Paola , Daniel Hobley
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 13684
Laure Guerit , Chris Paola , Sébastien Castelltort , Chen Chen
Chris Paola
Frontiers in Sedimentary Geology 231 -243
Ajay B. Limaye , Jean-Louis Grimaud , Steven Y. J. Lai , Brady Z. Foreman
Sedimentology 65 ( 6) 1947 -1972
Jim Chandler , Peter Ashmore , Chris Paola , Mike Gooch
Annals of The Association of American Geographers 92 ( 4) 631 -644
Nathan Lentsch , Alvise Finotello , Chris Paola
Geology 46 ( 7) 599 -602
A. Brad Murray , Chris Paola
Nature 371 ( 6492) 54 -57