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James S. Albert , William G. R. Crampton
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James S. Albert , Derek M. Johnson
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Jack M. Craig , Lesley Y. Kim , Victor A. Tagliacollo , James S. Albert
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James S. Albert , William L. Fink
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Sandra B. Correa , William G. R. Crampton , James S. Albert
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Brant C Faircloth , Fernando Alda , Kendra Hoekzema , Michael D Burns
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Kory M. Evans , Maxwell J. Bernt , Matthew A. Kolmann , Kassandra L. Ford
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James S. Albert , Alexandre Antonelli
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Prosanta Chakrabarty , Brant C. Faircloth , Fernando Alda , William B. Ludt
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Fabio F Roxo , Nathan K Lujan , Victor A Tagliacollo , Brandon T Waltz
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Mathilde M. Richer-de-Forges , William G. R. Crampton , James S. Albert
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Tiago P. Carvalho , Cristiane S. Ramos , James S. Albert
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