Leila Niamir , Felix Creutzig
CRC Press 307 -319
Jayant Sathaye , Oswaldo Lucon , Atiq Rahman , John M Christensen
Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation 707 -790
Catherine Mitchell , Janet Sawin , Govind R Pokharel , DM Kammen
Renewable energy sources and climate change mitigation : special report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / Edenhofer, Ottmar [edit.]; et al. 865 -950
Paul Lehmann , Felix Creutzig , Melf-Hinrich Ehlers , Nele Friedrichsen
Energies 5 ( 2) 323 -354
Blanca Fernandez Milan , David Kapfer , Felix Creutzig
Land Use Policy 51 ( 51) 335 -349
Blanca Fernandez Milan , Felix Creutzig
Land Use Policy 54 ( 54) 103 -115
Felix Creutzig
Environmental Research Letters 10 ( 10) 101001
Anissa Yuniashaesa Suatmadi , Felix Creutzig , Ilona M. Otto
Case studies on transport policy 7 ( 2) 218 -229
Albert Hans Baur , Maximilian Thess , Birgit Kleinschmit , Felix Creutzig
Journal of Urban Planning and Development-asce 140 ( 1) 04013003
Diana Reckien , Felix Creutzig , Blanca Fernandez , Shuaib Lwasa
Environment and Urbanization 29 ( 1) 159 -182
Li-Jing Liu , Felix Creutzig , Yun-Fei Yao , Yi-Ming Wei
Resource and Energy Economics 59 101144
Andrew Papson , Felix Creutzig , Lee Schipper
Transportation Research Record 2191 ( 2191) 67 -74
Cathy Nangini , Anna Peregon , Philippe Ciais , Ulf Weddige
Scientific Data 6 ( 1) 180280
Carol Hunsberger , Simon Bolwig , Esteve Corbera , Felix Creutzig
Geoforum 54 248 -260
Felix Creutzig , Alexander Popp , Richard Plevin , Gunnar Luderer
Nature Climate Change 2 ( 5) 320 -327
Jae Edmonds , Cho Yongsung , Pete Smith , Steven J. Davis
Nature Climate Change 6 ( 1) 42 -50
Felix Creutzig , Peter Agoston , Jan C. Minx , Josep G. Canadell
Nature Climate Change 6 ( 12) 1054 -1056
Felix Creutzig , Aneeque Javaid , Zakia Soomauroo , Steffen Lohrey
Transport Reviews 40 ( 6) 711 -733
Felix Creutzig
Transport Reviews 36 ( 3) 341 -360
Felix Creutzig
Gcb Bioenergy 8 ( 1) 4 -10