Mohammed H Almeshekah , Eugene H Spafford , Mikhail J Atallah
Center for Education and Research Information Assurance and Security, Purdue University, Tech. Rep. CERIAS Tech Report 13 2013 -2013
Fariborz Farahmand , Mikhail J Atallah , Eugene H Spafford
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 60 ( 2) 238 -246
Mikhail J Atallah , John R Rice , Eugene H Spafford , Kostas N Pantazopoulos
Mohammed H Almeshekah , Mikhail J Atallah , Eugene H Spafford
ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection: 30th IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2015, Hamburg, Germany, May 26-28, 2015, Proceedings 30 159 -173
Mohammed H Almeshekah , Mikhail J Atallah , Eugene H Spafford
International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (CyberSA) 1 -7
H Mohammed , Christopher N Gutierrez , Mikhail J Atallah , Eugene H Spafford
Julia M Taylor , Victor Raskin , Eugene H Spafford , Mikhail J Atallah
Mohammed H Almeshekah , Mikhail J Atallah , Eugene H Spafford
Sandeep Kumar , Eugene H Spafford
Proceedings of the 17th National Computer Security Conference (NCSC’94) 11 -21
Eugene H Spafford , Diego Zamboni
Computer Networks 34 ( 4) 547 -570
Eugene H Spafford
Computers under attack: Intruders, worms, and viruses 223 -243
Brian Carrier , Eugene H Spafford
Digital forensic research workshop 11 -13
Mark Crosbie , Eugene H Spafford
Eugene H Spafford
Computers & Security 11 ( 3) 273 -278
Eugene H Spafford
Proceedings of the 14th National Computer Security Conference 446 -455
Ivan Krsul , Eugene H Spafford
Computers & Security 16 ( 3) 233 -257
Christoph L Schuba , Ivan V Krsul , Diego Zamboni , Eugene H Spafford
Eugene H Spafford
Proc. ESEC 89
Eugene H Spafford
Routledge 293 -299
Hsin Pan , Eugene H Spafford
World Wide Web