Trevor P Hutton
University of Cape Town
John K Pinnegar , Trevor P Hutton , Vincenzo Placenti
Fish and Fisheries 7 ( 3) 219 -226
Stuart A Reeves , Andrew S Revill , Trevor P Hutton , John K Pinnegar
EPRS: European Parliamentary Research Service
R Matear , GT Pecl , H Lozano-Montes , W Cheung
S Pascoe , E Hoshino , S Yamazaki , T Kompas
G Pecl , S Frusher , M Haward , I Cresswell
T Hutton , M.H Griffiths , U.R Sumaila , T.J Pitcher
Fisheries Research 51 ( 1) 53 -68
T Hutton , UR Sumaila
CM Dichmont , R Deng , AE Punt , WN Venables
Final Report to Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Project 2007/018. CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research, Brisbane, Australia
ÉE Plagányi , R Deng , D Dennis , T Hutton
CSIRO/AFMA Final Project Report, Brisbane 233 -233
S Zhou , R Deng , T Hutton , M Miller
S Zhou , Y Lei , AR Deng , T Hutton
Final Report to Australian Fishery Management Authority. Brisbane, Australia
S Zhou , AR Deng , Y Lei , M Miller
Final Report to Australian Fishery Management Authority. Brisbane, Australia
S Zhou , T Hutton , Y Lei , M Miller
Final report to Australian Fishery Management Authority. Brisbane, Australia
RC Buckworth , WN Venables , E Lawrence , T Kompas
CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research, Brisbane, Australia
T Hutton , S Mardle , S Pascoe , RA Clark
ASC 2003-V-Theme session
T Hutton , S Mardle , S Pascoe , RA Clark
DM Ceccarelli , AD McKinnon , S Andréfouët , V Allain
Advances in marine biology 66 213 -290
T Hutton , KL Cochrane , TJ Pitcher
Developing and Sustaining World Fisheries Resources: the State of Science and Management. Proceedings of the Second World Fisheries Congress, Brisbane 228 -232
BS Andersen , Y Vermard , C Ulrich , T Hutton
Fisheries Research 102 340 -341