Obstacles to the revival of mobile grazing systems in Kazakhstan

S Robinson , J Bozayeva , N Mukhamedova , N Djanibekov

Livestock system in dekhqan farms of the Khorezm region

N Djanibekov
Journal of Uzbekistan Agriculture 4 25 -25

John & Bobojonov, I.(2010). Land consolidation for increasing cotton production in Uzbekistan: Also adequat for triggering rural development

N Djanibekov , PA Lamers
Challenges of education and innovation, for agricultural development: Proceedings of the Fourth Green Week Scientific Conference on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe. Halle (Saale)

Rural areas in transition.

N Djanibekov , T Herzfeld , P Weingarten
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" German Aerospace Centre (DLR), German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD)

V Makarenko , G Ruecker , R Sommer , N Djanibekov

V. Makarenko', G. Ruecker “, R. Sommer

N Djanibekov , G Strunz , O Kolodyazhnyy

Options for Optimizing Dairy Feed Rations with Foliage of Trees Grown in the Irrigated Drylands of Central Asia

C. Martius , J. P. A. Lamers , P. L. G. Vlek , D. Djumaeva
Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences 5 ( 5) 698 -708

GIS-based genetic algorithm optimization tool for supporting land use and land management restructuring

V. Makarenko , , G. Ruecker , R. Sommer
Kosmìčna nauka ì tehnologìâ 13 ( 1s) 33 -37

Options and Constraints for Crop Diversification: A Case Study in Sustainable Agriculture in Uzbekistan

I. Bobojonov , J. P. A. Lamers , M. Bekchanov , N. Djanibekov
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 37 ( 7) 788 -811