Ecosystem modelling provides clues to understanding ecological tipping points

ÉE Plagányi , N Ellis , LK Blamey , EB Morello
Marine Ecology Progress Series 512 99 -113

Recovery of seabed habitat from the impact of prawn trawling in the far northern section of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park: CSIRO Marine Research final report to GBRMPA

CR Pitcher , M Austin , CY Burridge , RH Bustamante
Technical report, CSIRO Marine Research and CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences

Using a new tree methods to model distribution of deep-sea species in response to physical environment in the northern Gulf of Mexico

C Wei , GT Rowe , R Pitcher , N Ellis
Proceedings from the 2010 AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting

Appendix S1. Descriptions of regional biological datasets

CR Pitcher , P Lawton , N Ellis , SJ Smith

Appendix S3. Complete graphical results for three marine regions.

CR Pitcher , P Lawton , N Ellis , SJ Smith

Appendix S2. Descriptions of regional environmental variables.

CR Pitcher , P Lawton , N Ellis , SJ Smith
Ocean Technology 19 1357 -1375

National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry

CR Pitcher , CR Pitcher , M Haywood , J Hooper

Prediction program

CR Pitcher , NS Barrett , MJ Caley , R Darnell
Marine Biodiversity Hub, Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities, Final report 2010 38 -50

Theme Session E: Integrated approaches to assessment of seabed habitat and biodiversity in support of management on the continental shelf of the Great Barrier Reef

CR Pitcher , N Ellis , W Venables , TJ Wassenberg
ICES Annual Conference & Meeting, 2008, 22-26 September, Halifax, Canada, Theme Sessions

Example analysis of biodiversity survey data with R package gradientForest

CR Pitcher , N Ellis , SJ Smith , RC Pitcher
R vignette

Mapping and characterisation of the inter-reefal benthic assemblages of the Torres Strait

MDE Haywood , CR Pitcher , N Ellis , TJ Wassenberg
Continental Shelf Research 28 ( 16) 2304 -2316

Quantifying the effects of trawling on seabed fauna in the Northern Prawn Fishery; volumes 1 and 2

MDE Haywood , J Hill , AG Donovan , WA Rochester
CSIRO, FRDC project 102