The Structure of A Pacific Narrow Cold Frontal Rainband

Wei-Kuo Tao , Zhaoxia Pu , David P. Jorgensen , Ola Persson

Mountain Terrain Atmospheric Modeling and Observations (MATERHORN) Program

Joshua P Hacker , Harindra J Fernando , Fotini K Chow , Eric Pardyjak

Assimilation of CYGNSS Ocean Surface Wind Speeds with NCEP GSI-Based Ensemble-Variational Data Assimilation Systems

Zhaoxia Pu , Zhiqiang Cui , Vijay Tallapragada , Christopher S Ruf
98th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting

The Impact of Assimilation of GPM Microwave Imager Satellite Radiance on Hurricane Forecasts

Zhaoxia Pu , Vijay Tallapragada , Jianjun Jin , Will McCarty
98th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting

Examination of the role of intense convection in tropical cyclone formation

Zhaoxia Pu , Z Li ,
14th Conference on Mesoscale Processes/15th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology

Doppler wind lidar measured PBL wind profiles and their impact on numerical simulations of mesoscale convective systems

Zhaoxia Pu , Z Li , L Zhang , BB Demoz
29th Conf. on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology/19th Symp. on Boundary Layers and Turbulence/Ninth Symp. on the Urban Environment (1-6 August 2010)

On the assimilation of near surface observations with 3Dvar and EnKF

Zhaoxia Pu , H Zhang
14th Conference on Mesoscale Processes/15th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology

Mesoscale numerical simulations of TCS08 typhoons with assimilation of satellite, radar and in-situ observations

Zhaoxia Pu , Lei Zhang , Qingyun Zhao , W Lee
29th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology (10-14 May 2010)

Impact of satellite multi-sensor and in-situ data on high-resolution numerical simulation of the rapid intensification of Hurricane Dennis (2005)

Zhaoxia Pu , X Li
18th Conference on Atmospheric BioGeosciences/28th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology/28th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology<br> (28 April–2 May 2008)

Multiscale numerical simulation of tropical cyclone Debby (2006) and validation with NAMMA data

Zhaoxia Pu , E Zipser , J Zawislak
18th Conference on Atmospheric BioGeosciences/28th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology/28th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology<br> (28 April–2 May 2008)

Characteristics of water vapor structure of two cold front systems over central U.S.: High—resolution numerical simulations

Zhaoxia Pu , B Demoz , X Li , C Liu
34th Conference on Broadcast Meteorology/21st Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting/17th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction

Direct Assimilation of Satellite Cloudy Radiances with a 3D-VAR System

Zhaoxia Pu
34th Conference on Broadcast Meteorology/21st Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting/17th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction

The Impact of Airborne Doppler Lidar Wind Measurements on Numerical Simulations of Tropical cyclones

Zhaoxia Pu , Lei Zhang , D Emmitt
29th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology (10-14 May 2010)

High-Resolution Radar Data Assimilation for Hurricanes Near Landfalls

Zhaoxia Pu , Wen-Chau Lee
38th Conference on Radar Meteorology

The relationship between tropical cyclone intensity changes and its precipitation features

Zhaoxia Pu , Martin Schroeder
29th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology (10-14 May 2010)

Evaluation of different methods for assimilating 3-dimensional wind profiles in NWP model: A regional OSSE study

Zhaoxia Pu , L Zhang
23rd Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting/19th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction (1-5 June 2009)

Improving Vortex Initialization and Hurricane Forecasting through 3dEnVar and 4dEnVar Hybrid Data Assimilation Methods

Zhaoxia Pu , Vijay Tallapragada , Will McCarty
33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology