Jeffrey E Herrick , Veronica C Lessard , Kenneth E Spaeth , Patrick L Shaver
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8 ( 8) 403 -408
L David Humphrey , David A Pyke
Botany 79 ( 9) 1122 -1126
Eric W Seabloom , Elizabeth T Borer , Yvonne Buckley , Elsa E Cleland
Eric W Seabloom , Elizabeth T Borer , Yvonne Buckley , Elsa E Cleland
Lisa M Ellsworth , Beth A Newingham , SE Shaff , CL Williams
Ecosphere 13 ( 5) e4064 -e4064
Robert K Shriver , Caitlin M Andrews , Robert S Arkle , David M Barnard
2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3-6)
Robert K Shriver , Caitlin M Andrews , David S Pilliod , Robert S Arkle
2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5--10)
Kevin C Knutson , Troy A Wirth , David A Pyke , David S Pilliod
The 94th ESA Annual Meeting
Kevin C Knutson , Troy A Wirth , David A Pyke , David S Pilliod
Richard F Miller , Steven T Knick , David A Pyke , Cara W Meinke
Greater sage-grouse: ecology and conservation of a landscape species and its habitats. Studies in Avian Biology 38 145 -184
Stive Archer , David A Pyke
Journal of Range Management 44 ( 6) 558 -565
David A Pyke
David A Pyke , Steve Archer
Rangeland Ecology & Management/Journal of Range Management Archives 44 ( 6) 550 -557
David A Pyke
Studies in avian biology 38 531 -548
David A Pyke
Proceedings: sagebrush steppe ecosystems symposium: 2000 43 -54
David A Pyke , Jeanne C Chambers , Jeffrey L Beck , Matthew L Brooks
Exotic brome-grasses in arid and semiarid ecosystems of the western US: causes, consequences, and management implications 307 -337
David A Pyke , Stephen J Novak
Proceedings—ecology and management of annual rangelands. Ogden, UT, USA: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, General Technical Report INT-GTR-313 12 -21
Jason W Karl , Jeffrey E Herrick , David A Pyke
Rangeland Systems: Processes, Management and Challenges 527 -567
David A Pyke , Jeanne C Chambers , Mike Pellant , Richard F Miller
US Geological Survey 1 -1
David A Pyke , Scott E Shaff , Jeanne C Chambers , Eugene W Schupp
Ecosphere 13 ( 7) e4176 -e4176