Manuel SCHNEIDER , Alessandro BLASIMME , Effy VAYENA
Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Bioethica 158 -158
Alessandro Blasimme , Paolo Maugeri
History and Philosophy of The Life Sciences 33 ( 4) 603
Alessandro Blasimme
Lisa Bortolotti , Alessandro Blasimme
Teorema 29 ( 2) 83 -96
Alessandro Blasimme
Innovations en santé publique, des données personnelles aux données massives (big data): As-pects cliniques, juridiques et éthiques 129 -136
Alessandro Blasimme
Notizie di Politeia 33 ( 126) 92 -102
Effy Vayena , Alessandro Blasimme , Julia Amann , Marcello Ienca
European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), Scientific Foresight Unit (STOA)
Effy Vayena , Alessandro Blasimme , Dorothée Caminiti
Human Germline Modification and the Right to Science: A Comparative Study of National Laws and Policies 380 -408
L Bortolotti , Alessandro Blasimme , C Sandis , Sarah Chan
Bortolotti, L; Sandis, C; Blasimme, Alessandro (2016). With power comes vulnerability. In: Chan, Sarah. Humans and other animals: challenging the boundaries of humanity. London: Bloomsbury Academic, n/a.
Alessandro Blasimme
History and Philosophy of The Life Sciences 43 ( 2) 67 -67
Bobbie Farsides , Effy Vayena , Jeff Kahn , Edward S. Dove
BMC Medical Ethics 22 ( 1) 51 -51
Alessandro Blasimme , Luca Marelli , Luca Marelli , Erik Aarden
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 8 ( 1) 1 -9
Alessandro Blasimme , Dorothée Caminiti , Effy Vayena
Human Germline Modification and the Right to Science: A Comparative Study of National Laws and Policies 409 -438
Lisa Bortolotti , Matteo Mameli , and , Alessandro Blasimme
International Encyclopedia of Ethics 00 -00
Alessandro Blasimme , Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag
Stem Cells and Development 22 14 -19
Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag , Alessandro Blasimme
Stem Cells and Development 23 39 -43
Effy Vayena , Alessandro Blasimme
Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 46 ( 1) 119 -129
Alessandro Blasimme , Caroline Brall , Effy Vayena
Frontiers in Genetics 11 585820
Marco Canevelli , Alessandro Blasimme
JAMA Neurology 70 ( 12) 1589 -1589
Eric M Meslin , Alessandro Blasimme , Anne Cambon‐Thomsen
Clinical and translational medicine 2 ( 1) 14 -14