Gerrit Moritz , Markus Reiher
Journal of Chemical Physics 124 ( 3) 034103 -034103
Alexander Wolf , Markus Reiher
Journal of Chemical Physics 124 ( 6) 064102 -064102
Alexander Wolf , Markus Reiher
Journal of Chemical Physics 124 ( 6) 064103 -064103
Barbara Kirchner , Markus Reiher
Nachrichten aus der Chemie 53 ( 1) 64 -64
Alexander Wolf , Markus Reiher , Bernd Artur Hess
Journal of Chemical Physics 120 ( 18) 8624 -8631
Christopher J. Stein , Markus Reiher
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 124 ( 14) 2834 -2841
Alexander Betz , Lian Yu , Markus Reiher , Annie-Claude Gaumont
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 693 ( 15) 2499 -2508
Christopher J. Stein , Markus Reiher
Journal of Computational Chemistry 40 ( 25) 2216 -2226
Gregor N. Simm , Paul L. Türtscher , Markus Reiher
arXiv: Chemical Physics
Francesco Aquilante , Jochen Autschbach , Rebecca K. Carlson , Liviu F. Chibotaru
Journal of Computational Chemistry 37 ( 5) 506 -541
Florian Krausbeck , Jan-Grimo Sobez , Markus Reiher
Journal of Computational Chemistry 38 ( 14) 1023 -1038
Cornelius Gropp , Tamara Husch , Nils Trapp , Markus Reiher
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 ( 35) 12190 -12200
Shashi Bhushan Sinha , Dimitar Y. Shopov , Liam S. Sharninghausen , Christopher J. Stein
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 ( 28) 9672 -9683
Andrea Muolo , Alberto Baiardi , Robin Feldmann , Markus Reiher
arXiv: Chemical Physics
Francesco Aquilante , Jochen Autschbach , Alberto Baiardi , Stefano Battaglia
Journal of Chemical Physics 152 ( 21) 214117 -214117
Frank Neese , Alexander Wolf , Timo Fleig , Markus Reiher
Journal of Chemical Physics 122 ( 20) 204107 -204107
Katharina Boguslawski , Markus Reiher
The Chemical Bond 219 -252
Markus Reiher
Angewandte Chemie 47 ( 38) 7171 -7171
Cornelius Gropp , Tamara Husch , Nils Trapp , Markus Reiher
Angewandte Chemie 130 ( 50) 16534 -16539
Zhongshu Li , Xiaodan Chen , Maike Bergeler , Markus Reiher
Dalton Transactions 44 ( 14) 6431 -6438