Arjun D Desai , Batu M Ozturkler , Christopher M Sandino , Shreyas Vasanawala
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.00075
Richard M Re , Christopher M Re , Nathan S Chapman , Michael W McConnell
Foto N Afrati , Manas R Joglekar , Christopher M Re , Semih Salihoglu
LIPIcs-Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics 68
Richard M Re , Christopher M Re
Yale LJ 121 1584 -1584
Christopher M Ré , Benjamin H Recht ,
Arjun D Desai , Batu M Ozturkler , Christopher M Sandino , Robert Boutin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.00075
Foto N Afrati , Claire David , Georg Gottlob , Floris Geerts
Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH
Ting-You Wang , Christopher Re , Dan Suciu ,
QDB/MUD 73 -86
Eytan Adar , Christopher Re ,
IEEE Data(base) Engineering Bulletin 30 15 -22
Werner Vogels , Christopher Ré
WWW (Alternate Paper Tracks)
Dan Suciu , Christopher Ré
database programming languages 186 -200
Christopher M De Sa , Ce Zhang , Kunle Olukotun , Christopher Ré
arXiv: Learning
Jude Shavlik , Feng Niu , Christopher Ré , Ce Zhang
meeting of the association for computational linguistics 825 -834
Yingbo Zhou , Utkarsh Porwal , Ce Zhang , Hung Q Ngo
neural information processing systems 27 3554 -3562
Dolan Antenucci , Michael Cafarella , Margaret Levenstein , Christopher Ré
Social Science Research Network
Michael J Cafarella , Christopher Re , Dan Suciu , Oren Etzioni
conference on innovative data systems research
Christopher Ré , Nilesh N Dalvi , Dan Suciu ,
IEEE Data(base) Engineering Bulletin 29 25 -31
Christopher Ré , Dan Suciu ,
very large data bases 51 -62
Tushar Khot , Ce Zhang , Jude W Shavlik , Sriraam Natarajan
text retrieval conference
Christopher M De Sa , Ce Zhang , Kunle Olukotun , Christopher Ré
neural information processing systems 28 3097 -3105