Max Kleiman-Weiner , Ian Soboroff , John R Frank , Feng Niu
text retrieval conference
Feng Niu , Ce Zhang , Christopher Ré , Jude W Shavlik
VLDS 25 -28
Christopher M De Sa , Ce Zhang , Kunle Olukotun , Christopher Ré
arXiv: Learning
Jude Shavlik , Feng Niu , Christopher R , Ce Zhang
arXiv: Artificial Intelligence
Jude Shavlik , Feng Niu , Christopher Ré , Ce Zhang
meeting of the association for computational linguistics 825 -834
Srikrishna Sridhar , Stephen Wright , Christopher Re , Ji Liu
neural information processing systems 26 2895 -2903
Yingbo Zhou , Utkarsh Porwal , Ce Zhang , Hung Q Ngo
neural information processing systems 27 3554 -3562
Tushar Khot , Ce Zhang , Jude W Shavlik , Sriraam Natarajan
text retrieval conference
Christopher M De Sa , Ce Zhang , Kunle Olukotun , Christopher Ré
neural information processing systems 28 3097 -3105
Yuke Zhu , Ce Zhang , Christopher Ré , Li Fei-Fei
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Vidhya Govindaraju , Ce Zhang , Christopher Ré ,
meeting of the association for computational linguistics 658 -664
Max Kleiman-Weiner , Ian Soboroff , Ellen M. Voorhees , John R. Frank
text retrieval conference
Michael R Anderson , Dolan Antenucci , Victor Bittorf , Matthew Burgess
conference on innovative data systems research
Cho-Jui Hsieh , Huan Zhang , Xiangru Lian , Ji Liu
arXiv: Optimization and Control
Dan Alistarh , Jerry Li , Kaan Kara , Ji Liu
international conference on machine learning 70 4035 -4043
Dan Alistarh , Leo Tam , Demjan Grubic , Ce Zhang
extending database technology 145 -156
Ce Zhang , Nora Hollenstein , Jonathan Rotsztejn
arXiv: Computation and Language
Hanlin Tang , Ji Liu , Tong Zhang , Ce Zhang
neural information processing systems 31 7652 -7662
Ji Liu , Jie Zhong , Ce Zhang , Bojan Karlaš
international conference on artificial intelligence and statistics 89 2829 -2838