Ashok Anand , Manish Sethi
Pushkar Chitnis , Ashok Anand , Chitra Muthukrishnan , Bhavish Aggarwal
networked systems design and implementation 28 -28
Ashok Anand , Chitra Muthukrishnan , Suman Nath , Aditya Akella
networked systems design and implementation 29 -29
Ashok Anand , Aditya Akella
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Ashok Anand , Akshat Verma
Ashok Anand , Manish Gupta , Dipayan Gangopadhyay , Manish Sethi
Shan-Hsiang Shen , Aaron Gember , Ashok Anand , Aditya Akella
Proceedings of the 17th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking - MobiCom '11 217 -228
Manish Sethi , Ashok Anand , Dipayan Gangopadhyay , Venkateswara Reddy
network operations and management symposium 803 -806
Akshat Verma , Ashok Anand
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 67 ( 12) 1286 -1300
Theophilus Benson , Ashok Anand , Aditya Akella , Ming Zhang
Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Research on enterprise networking - WREN '09 65 -72
Manish Sethi , Ashok Anand
Proceedings of the ACM/IFIP/USENIX international middleware conference companion on Middleware '08 Companion - Companion '08 42 -47
Ashok Anand , Athula Balachandran , Aditya Akella , Vyas Sekar
conference on emerging network experiment and technology 345 -356
Ashok Anand , Aditya Akella
measurement and modeling of computer systems 37 ( 3) 14 -19
Aaron Gember , Ashok Anand , Aditya Akella
passive and active network measurement 173 -183
Mansoor Alicherry , Ashok Anand , Shoban Preeth Chandrabose , Theophilius Benson
symposium on cloud computing 51
Robert Grandl , Yizheng Chen , Junaid Khalid , Suli Yang
symposium on cloud computing 53
Ashok Anand , John W. Byers , Srinivasan Seshan , Peter Steenkiste
hot topics in networks 2
Ashok Anand , Sayandeep Sen , Andrew Krioukov , Florentina I Popovici
OSDI 161 -176
Theophilus Benson , Ashok Anand , Aditya Akella , Ming Zhang
1 -12
Ashok Anand , Vyas Sekar , Aditya Akella
87 -98