Langmead B , Hicks Sc , Baker Dn , Dyjack N
Vladimir Braverman , Daniel Berend
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 39 -48
Vladimir Braverman , Brian Tagiku , Rafail Ostrovsky , Alan Roytman
symposium on discrete algorithms 26 -40
Vladimir Braverman , Harry Lang , Keith Levin , Morteza Monemizadeh
symposium on discrete algorithms 1374 -1390
Vladimir Braverman
Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2006 -2011
Vladimir Braverman , Gregory Vorsanger , Charles Seidell , Jonathan Katzman
international workshop and international workshop on approximation randomization and combinatorial optimization algorithms and techniques 544
Vladimir Braverman , Rafail Ostrovsky , Alan Roytman
international workshop and international workshop on approximation, randomization, and combinatorial optimization. algorithms and techniques 573 -590
Vladimir Braverman , Harry Lang , Keith Levin , Morteza Monemizadeh
foundations of software technology and theoretical computer science 45 350 -364
Vladimir Braverman , Gregory Vorsanger
computing and combinatorics conference 13 -24
Vladimir Braverman , Anand Padmanabha Iyer , Ion Stoica , Zaoxing Liu
usenix conference on hot topics in cloud ccomputing
Vladimir Braverman , Anand Padmanabha Iyer , Ion Stoica , Zaoxing Liu
operating systems design and implementation 745 -761
Vladimir Braverman , Changhoon Kim , Zhenming Liu , Ion Stoica
file and storage technologies 143 -157
Vladimir Braverman , Dan Feldman , Samson Zhou , Ben Mussay
Raman Arora , Lin F. Yang , Tuo Zhao , Vladimir Braverman
neural information processing systems 31 4372 -4381
Vladimir Braverman , Christian Sohler , Gereon Frahling , Harry Lang
international conference on machine learning 576 -585
Vladimir Braverman , Robert Krauthgamer , Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang , Xuan Wu
international conference on machine learning 744 -753
Vladimir Braverman , Robert Krauthgamer , Stephen R. Chestnut , David P. Woodruff
international conference on machine learning 648 -657
Vladimir Braverman , Margarita Osadchy , Dan Feldman , Samson Zhou
arXiv: Learning
Vladimir Braverman , Daniela Rus , Harry Lang , Dan Feldman
international workshop and international workshop on approximation, randomization, and combinatorial optimization. algorithms and techniques
Jingfeng Wu , Wenqing Hu , Haoyi Xiong , Jun Huan
arXiv: Learning