Tali Marcus , Snunith Shoham
The Learning Organization 21 ( 6) 350 -368
Snunith Shoham
(No Title)
Snunith Shoham
Yaffa Aharoni , Ariel J Frank , Snunith Shoham
First Monday 10 ( 12)
Snunith Shoham
2819 -2819
Snunith Shoham , Moshe Yitzhaki
Proceedings of the Third International ISKO Conference 20 -24
Snunith Shoham , Silvia Schenkolewski-Kroll
Encyclopaedia of Library and Information Sciences 3024 -3041
Snunith Shoham
Przegląd Biblioteczny 84 ( 4) 557 -574
Snunith Shoham , Irith Getz , Israel Doar Beit Beil
Continuing Professional Education and IFLA, edited by Blanche Woolls, Munchen: Saur 130 -137
Ruth Ash-Argyle , Snunith Shoham
Librarians and Educators Collaborating for Success: The International Perspective 276 -276
Snunith Shoham
Online information Review 26 ( 2) 92 -100
Moshe Yitzhaki , Snunith Shoham
Bar-Ilan University
Snunith Shoham , Moshe Yitzhaki
(No Title)
Snunith Shoham , Moshe Yitzhaki
Knowledge Organization and Change: Proceedings of the Fourth International ISKO Conference, 15-18 July 1996, Washington, DC, USA 5 43 -43
Snunith Shoham , Moshe Yitzhaki
Snunith Shoham , Irith Getz
Voices from Around the World: Selections from the Annual Proceedings of the International Association of School Librarianship 257 -257
Snunith Shoham
Routledge 443 -460
Alon Hasgall , Snunith Shoham
Ruth Ash-Argyle , Snunith Shoham
The Second European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) 51 -51
Snunith Shoham