C.W. Anderson , J.A. Franklin , R.S. Sutton
international symposium on intelligent control 404 -409
C.W. Anderson , E.A. Stolz , S. Shamsunder
international conference of the ieee engineering in medicine and biology society 2 875 -876
D. Garrett , D.A. Peterson , C.W. Anderson , M.H. Thaut
international conference of the ieee engineering in medicine and biology society 11 ( 2) 141 -144
D.J. Mcfarland , C.W. Anderson , K.-R. Muller , A. Schlogl
international conference of the ieee engineering in medicine and biology society 14 ( 2) 135 -138
Z. Sijercic , G.C. Agarwal , C.W. Anderson
midwest symposium on circuits and systems 2 695 -698
M.R. Stevens , C.W. Anderson , J.R. Beveridge
Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'97) 3 1454 -1458
R.M. Kretchmar , C.W. Anderson
Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'97) 2 834 -837
C.W. Anderson , E.A. Stolz , S. Shamsunder
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 45 ( 3) 277 -286
R.M. Kretchmara , P.M. Young , C.W. Anderson , D.C. Hittle
american control conference 2 902 -907
S. Crawford-Hines , C.W. Anderson
Neural Networks for Signal Processing VII. Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop 207 -215
C.W. Anderson , S.V. Devulapalli , E.A. Stolz
ieee workshop on neural networks for signal processing 475 -483
C.W. Anderson
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 9 ( 3) 31 -37
Kathleen Ericson , Shrideep Pallickara , C Anderson
Colorado Celebration of Women in Computing
C Anderson , D Peterson
Clinical Applications of Artificial Neural Networks 175 -191
B Taylor , E Forney , W Gavin , C Anderson
Fifth International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting
M Stevens , C Anderson , R Beveridge
Proc. 1997 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, page to appear
J Franklin , J Church , N Kapoor , J Ortega
BLOOD 94 ( 10) 435A -435A
C Anderson
Industrial Paint & Powder(USA) 74 ( 11) 28 -29
Jock A Blackard , Denis J Dean , CW Anderson
UCI Machine Learning Repository
JA Blackard , DJ Dean , CW Anderson
DOI 10 C50K5N -C50K5N