Desmond Ashley. Tews
Ashley D Tews , MJ Mataric , Gaurav S Sukhatme
AAAI Spring Symposium on Human Interaction with Autonomous Systems in Complex Environments 196202 -196202
Ashley D Tews , Gaurav S Sukhatme , Maja J Matarić
Ashley D Tews , Gaurav S Sukhatme , Maja J Mataric
Robotics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings. ICRA'04. 2004 IEEE International Conference on 3 2379 -2385
Ashley D Tews , Maja J Matari , Gaurav S Sukhatme , Brian P Gerkey
Ashley Tews , Stephen Nuske , Jonathan M. Roberts
Proceedings of 6th IARP/IEEE-RAS/EURON Joint Workshop on Technical Challenge for Dependable Robots in Human Environments
Ashley Tews , Jonathan Roberts , Cedric Pradalier
Proceedings the 5th IARP/IEEE-RAS/EURON Workshop on Technical Challenge for Dependable Robots in Human Environments
Ashley Tews , Gordon F. Wyeth
international conference on robotics and automation 90 -95
Ashley Tews , Jonathan Robert , Jonathan M. Roberts , Kane Usher
international conference on robotics and automation
Ashley Tews , Brian P. Gerkey , Gaurav S. Sukhatme , Maja J. Matarić
Ashley Tews , Matthew Dunbabin
international symposium on experimental robotics 775 -786
Ashley Tews
30th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction and Mining; Held in conjunction with the 23rd World Mining Congress 1129 -1138
Jonathan Roberts , Ashley Tews , Cedric Pradalier , Kane Usher
international conference on robotics and automation 2770 -2771
Ashley Tews , Gordon Wyeth
Advanced Robotics 14 ( 1) 37 -50
Paulo Vinicius Koerich Borges , Robert Zlot , Ashley Tews ,
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 14 ( 2) 720 -730
Paulo Borges , Robert Zlot , Michael Bosse , Stephen Nuske
international conference on robotics and automation 4902 -4909
Raja Jurdak , Alberto Elfes , Branislav Kusy , Ashley Tews
Trends in Biotechnology 33 ( 4) 201 -207
Cristian Gabriel Orlando , Ashley Tews , Peter Banks , Clare McArthur
Biology Letters 16 ( 7) 20200329
Cédric Pradalier , Ashley Tews , Jonathan Roberts
Journal of Field Robotics 25 ( 4-5) 243 -267
Matthew Dunbabin , Ashley Tews
Proc. of ARAA ACRA