Wendell R. Haag , Amy M. Commens , Melvin L. Warren
In: Southeastern Fishes Council Proceedings: Dedicated to the Conservation of Southeastern Fishes No 47: 1-2 1 ( 47) 3
Wendell R. Haag
Holocene Extinctions Pages 107-128 in: S. Turvey, editor, Holocene Extinctions. Oxford University Press.
Paul L. Angermeier , Wendell R. Haag , Brooks M. Burr , Melvin L. Warren
Aquatic fanua in peril: the southeastern perspective. Decatur, GA: Lenz Design & Communications: 105-164.
Wendell R. Haag , Melvin L. Warren
National Forests in Mississippi
Carol E. Johnston , Wendell R. Haag
Tulane Studies in Zoology and Botany Vol. 30
Karel Douda , Wendell R. Haag , Martin Reichard , Martin Reichard
Biological Conservation 254 108964
John C. Kilgo , Rima D. Lucardi , John D. Rothlisberger , Dean E. Pearson
In: Poland, Therese M.; Patel-Weynand, Toral; Finch, Deborah M.; Ford Miniat, Chelcy; Hayes, Deborah C.; Lopez, Vanessa M., eds. Invasive Species in Forests and Rangelands of the United States: A Comprehensive Science Synthesis for the United States Forest Sector. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer International Publishing: 5 - 40. Chapter 2. 5 -39
Wendell R. Haag , Adam Shepard , Monte A. McGregor
Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation 24 ( 1)
David W. Garton , Wendell R. Haag
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology 99 45 -48
Melvin L. Warren , Andrew L. Sheldon , Wendell R. Haag
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29 ( 2) 330 -342
Wendell R. Haag , Melvin L. Warren
Transactions of The American Fisheries Society 137 ( 4) 1165 -1178
Wendell R. Haag , Melvin L. Warren
Animal Behaviour 60 ( 6) 879 -886
Thomas B. Kennedy , Wendell R. Haag
Journal of The North American Benthological Society 24 ( 4) 880 -889
M. Christopher Barnhart , Wendell R. Haag , William N. Roston
Journal of The North American Benthological Society 27 ( 2) 370 -394
J. Jacob Culp , Wendell R. Haag , D. Albrey Arrington , Thomas B. Kennedy
Journal of The North American Benthological Society 30 ( 2) 436 -445
Andrew M. Gascho Landis , Tyler L. Mosley , Wendell R. Haag , James A. Stoeckel
Freshwater Science 31 ( 3) 775 -786
Andrew M. Gascho Landis , Wendell R. Haag , James A. Stoeckel
Freshwater Science 32 ( 1) 70 -81
Wendell R. Haag , Melvin L. Warren,
Journal of The North American Benthological Society 22 ( 1) 78 -91
Wendell R. Haag , Melvin L. Warren,
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 16 ( 3) 576 -585
David J. Berg , Wendell R. Haag , Sheldon I. Guttman , James B. Sickel
Journal of The North American Benthological Society 14 ( 4) 577 -581