Tanvir Anwar , Adel Al Juamily
Procedia Computer Science 42 160 -167
Al-Jumaily , Maali
advanced information management and service 330 -335
Al-Jumaily , Badaoui
advanced information management and service 336 -341
Yee Mon Aung , Adel Al-Jumaily
i-CREATe '11 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology 50
Adel Al-Jumaily , Steve Kuo
4th ASEE/AaeE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education 1749
Rami N. Khushaba , Adel Al-Jumaily , Ahmed Al-Ani
international conference on biomedical engineering 40 -45
Rami N. Khushaba , Akram AlSukker , Adel Al-Jumaily , Ahmed Al-Ani
international conference on biomedical engineering 34 -39
Rami N. Khushaba , Adel Al-Jumaily
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering 2 ( 1) 126 -134
Yee Mon Aung , Adel Al-Jumaily
i-CREATe '11 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology 51
Adel Al-Jumaily , Chethasi Kaluarachchi
i-CREATe '11 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology 52
Rami N. Khushaba , Adel Al-Jumaily , Ahmed Al-Ani
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Medical, Health, Biomedical, Bioengineering and Pharmaceutical Engineering 5 ( 3) 120 -127
Yashar Maali , Adel Al-Jumaily , Leon Laks
Proceedings of the workshop on new trends of computational intelligence in health applications 24 -33
Yee Mon Aung , Adel Al-Jumaily
Khairul Anam , Adel Al-Jumaily
Adel Al-Jumaily , Marwa Ibrahim , Mohammad Wedyan , Ryan Alturki
Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2021 6624764 -6624764
Rami N. Khushaba , Ali H. Al-Timemy , Erik Scheme , Angkoon Phinyomark
Expert Systems With Applications 178 114977
Balasankar Ganesan , Adel Al-Jumaily , Adel Al-Jumaily , Kenneth N K Fong
Frontiers in Psychiatry 12 565190 -565190
Balasankar Ganesan , Adel Al-Jumaily , Joanne Yip , Ameersing Luximon
Frontiers in Pediatrics 9 595506 -595506
Balasankar Ganesan , Joanne Yip , Ameersing Luximon , Mohamed-Amine Choukou
augmented human international conference