Christian Heintz , Moritz Grunwald , Sarah Edenhofer , Jörg Hähner
virtual reality software and technology 76
Yaser Chaaban , Jörg Hähner , Christian Müller-Schloer
computation world: future computing, service computation, cognitive, adaptive, content, patterns 467 -475
Carsten Grenz , Uwe Jänen , Jonas Winizuk , Jörg Hähner
ad hoc networks 161 -172
Michael Heider , David Pätzel , Jörg Hähner
genetic and evolutionary computation conference 127 -128
Lukas Rosenbauer , Anthony Stein , Jörg Hähner
genetic and evolutionary computation conference 1789 -1797
Lukas Rosenbauer , Anthony Stein , Roland Maier , David Pätzel
genetic and evolutionary computation conference 1798 -1806
Ghadi Mahmoudi , Christian Müller-Schloer , Jörg Hähner
automation, robotics and control systems 120 -134
Sven Tomforde , Jan Kantert , Sebastian von Mammen , Jörg Hähner
international conference on informatics in control automation and robotics 01 123 -130
Jan Kantert , Sarah Edenhofer , Sven Tomforde , Jörg Hähner
international conference on informatics in control automation and robotics 01 246 -253
Sarah Edenhofer , Christopher Stifter , Sven Tomforde , Jan Kantert
international conference on agents and artificial intelligence 132 -140
Stefan Rudolph , Sven Tomforde , Jörg Hähner
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems 14 ( 1) 1 -37
Yvonne Bernard , Lukas Klejnowski , Ronald Becher , Markus Thimm
PARS: Parallel-Algorithmen, -Rechnerstrukturen und -Systemsoftware 28 ( 1) 186 -193
Jan Kantert , Sarah Edenhofer , Sven Tomforde , Jörg Hähner
Trustworthy Open Self-Organising Systems 89 -126
Gerrit Anders , Hella Seebach , Jan-Philipp Steghöfer , Wolfgang Reif
Trustworthy Open Self-Organising Systems 1 -16
Sarah Edenhofer , Sven Tomforde , Jan Kantert , Lukas Klejnowski
Trustworthy Open Self-Organising Systems 127 -152
Matthias Sommer , Sven Tomforde , Jörg Hähner
Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems 113 -130
Anthony Stein , Roland Maier , Jörg Hähner
genetic and evolutionary computation conference 1349 -1356
Stefan Rudolph , Sarah Edenhofer , Sven Tomforde , Jörg Hähner
international conference on distributed smart cameras 19
Jörg Hähner , Christian Becker , Pedro José Marrón , Kurt Rothermel
Die Informatisierung des Alltags 41 -60
Matthias Sommer , Jörg Hähner
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems 203 -210