Lyn Bartram , Maureen C. Stone
color imaging conference 355 -359
Yotam Gingold , Holger Winnemöller , Angus Forbes , Ergun Akleman
Eurographics Association
Lyn Bartram , Chris Shaw
AK Peters Ltd
Sarah Goodwin , Darren Sharp , Lyn Bartram , Misita Anwar
Data for Policy 2020 1 -8
Pascal Haegeli , Lyn Bartram , Stan Nowak
ieee visualization 81 -85
Matthias Rauterberg , Veranika Lim , Mathias Funk , Lyn Bartram
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5
Doug Schaffer , Zhengping Zuo , Saul Greenberg , Lyn Bartram
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 3 ( 2) 162 -188
Carl Malmstrom , Yaying Zhang , Philippe Pasquier , Thecla Schiphorst
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing 11
William Li , Lyn Bartram , Philippe Pasquier
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing 14
Lyn Bartram , Colin Ware
Information Visualization 1 ( 1) 66 -79
Samarth Singhal , William Odom , Lyn Bartram , Carman Neustaedter
designing interactive systems 72 -78
Pierre Jolicoeur , Margaret Ingleton , Lyn Bartram , Kellogg S. Booth
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 ( 4) 657 -677
Benjamin Bach , Moritz Stefaner , Jeremy Boy , Steven Drucker
Data-Driven Storytelling 107 -133
Lyn Bartram , Johnny Rodgers , Kevin Muise
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 30 ( 3) 8 -14
Lyn Bartram
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 35 ( 4) 52 -62
Lyn Bartram , Johnny Rodgers , Rob Woodbury
international conference on human computer interaction 52 -64
Lior Berry , Lyn Bartram , Kellogg S. Booth
Proceedings of the 18th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology - UIST '05 23 -32
Stanislaw Nowak , Lyn Bartram , Thecla Schiphorst
2018 IEEE Evaluation and Beyond - Methodological Approaches for Visualization (BELIV) 11 -18
David Milam , Lyn Bartram , Magy Seif El-Nasr
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Design Patterns in Games 5
Diego S. Maranan , Thecla Schiphorst , Lyn Bartram , Albert Hwang
creativity and cognition 165 -174