Hans Knutsson , Rudiger Stirnberg , Pablo Irarrazaval , Tony Stöcker
Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2014, 10-17 May 2014, Milan, Italy
Ara Nefian , Bernhard Burgeth , Darko Koracin , George Bebis
Untitled Event 455 -464
Thomas Schultz , Peter Gerber , Tobias Schmidt-Wilcke
vision modeling and visualization 217 -218
Tobias Ritschel , Thomas Schultz , David Bommes
The Eurographics Association
Abdeslam Boularias , Thomas Schultz , Kyoungok Kim , Samory Kpotufe
Journal of Machine Learning Research 17 ( 1) 672 -705
Evren Özarslan , Thomas Schultz , Ingrid Hotz
Dagstuhl Reports, Volume 6, Issue 4; ISSN 2192-5283 6 ( 4) 16 -38
Nassir Navab , Timo Grimmer , Janine Diehl-Schmid , Igor Yakushev
The Journal of Nuclear Medicine
Thomas Schultz , Shekoufeh Gorgi Zadeh , Maximilian W. M. Wintergerst
VCBM@MICCAI 107 -115
Evren Özarslan , Andrea Fuster , Eugene Zhang , Thomas Schultz
Dagstuhl Reports 8 ( 10) 148 -172
HJ Schulz , M Teschner , M Wimmer
vision modeling and visualization 63 -72
Thomas Schultz , Agajan Torayev
VCBM 1 -11
Evren Özarslan , Andrea Fuster , Eugene Zhang , Thomas Schultz
Springer Nature
Ralph A. Bundschuh , Thomas Schultz , Sobhan Moazemi , Markus Essler
Annals of Translational Medicine 9 ( 9) 818 -818
Thomas Schultz , Ikram Jumakulyyev
SSVM 450 -462
Kanil Patel , Samuel Groeschel , Thomas Schultz
medical image computing and computer assisted intervention 55 -62
Thomas Schultz , Joachim Weickert , Hans-Peter Seidel
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik 263 -280
Thomas Schultz
medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention 15 493 -500
Rasha Sheikh , Thomas Schultz
medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention 116 -126
Thomas Schultz , Holger Theisel , Hans-Peter Seidel
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 13 ( 6) 1496 -1503
Thomas Schultz , Gordon L Kindlmann
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 16 ( 6) 1595 -1604