N.J. Doogan , M.E. Roberts , M.E. Wewers , C.A. Stanton
Preventive Medicine 104 79 -85
A. Cepeda-Benito , N.J. Doogan , R. Redner , M.E. Roberts
Preventive Medicine 117 69 -75
Allison Nicole Kurti , Elias Klemperer , Ivori A. Zvorsky , Ryan Redner
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 171
Diana Renee Keith , Allison Nicole Kurti , Joan M. Skelly , Stephen Higgins
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 171
Ivori A. Zvorsky , Ryan Redner , Allison Nicole Kurti , Jeff Priest
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 171 e226
Allison Nicole Kurti
Villanova University
American Journal of Psychology 128 ( 3) 414
B Denison , H Dahlen , J C Kim , C Williams
Journal of Health Communication 1 -12
Rachel F. Tyndale , Janice Y. Bunn , Stephen T. Higgins , Allison N. Kurti
Preventive Medicine 106582 -106582
Stephen T. Higgins , Danielle R. Davis , Allison N. Kurti
Policy insights from the behavioral and brain sciences 4 ( 1) 33 -40
Rachel N. Cassidy , Allison N. Kurti
Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice 18 ( 4) 333 -339
Tyler D. Nighbor , Nathan J. Doogan , Megan E. Roberts , Antonio Cepeda-Benito
PLOS ONE 13 ( 11)
Diana R. Keith , Cassandra A. Stanton , Diann E. Gaalema , Janice Y. Bunn
Journal of General Internal Medicine 32 ( 9) 974 -980
Allison N. Kurti , Elias M. Klemperer , Ivori Zvorsky , Ryan Redner
Preventive Medicine 92 141 -147
Stephen T. Higgins , Allison N. Kurti , Ryan Redner , Thomas J. White
Preventive Medicine 92 110 -117
Ivori Zvorsky , Tyler D. Nighbor , Allison N. Kurti , Michael DeSarno
Preventive Medicine 128 105789 -105789
Stephen T. Higgins , Allison N. Kurti , Marissa Palmer , Jennifer W. Tidey
Preventive Medicine 128 105709
Tyler D. Nighbor , Sulamunn R.M. Coleman , Janice Y. Bunn , Allison N. Kurti
Preventive Medicine 132 105994
Allison N. Kurti , Katherine Tang , Hypatia A. Bolivar , Carolyn Evemy
Preventive Medicine 140 106201
Cassandra A. Stanton , Diana R. Keith , Diann E. Gaalema , Janice Y. Bunn
Preventive Medicine 92 160 -168