Luis A. Pineda , Ewan H. Klein
Intelligent CAD Systems III 103 -130
Guido BUGMANN , Stanislao LAURIA , Theocharis KYRIACOU , Johan BOS
Proceedings ACDM
Semantikos Paris 2 ( 1) 37 -46
Ewan Klein , Geoffrey K Pullum , Gerald Gazdar ,
Ewan Klein , Jon Oberlander , Claire Grover , Clare Llewellyn
language resources and evaluation 462 -468
Ewan Klein , Luis Alberto Pineda ,
international conference on human computer interaction 485 -491
Ewan Klein , Steven Bird
Computational Linguistics 20 ( 3) 455 -491
Frank Veltman , Ewan Klein
Ivan Sag , Ewan Klein , Geoffrey Pullum , Gerald Gazdar
Ewan Klein , Daniel Duma
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2013) -- Long Papers 83 -94
Jochen L. Leidner , Sebastian Riedel , Harry Halpin , Richard Tobin
In: Cox, SJ, (ed.) (pp. pp. 878-885). (2004)
Richard Tobin , Ewan Klein , Claire Grover , Beatrice Alex
Proceedings of KONVENS 2012 401 -409
Ewan Klein
Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2006 26-33 -26-33
Stuart Roebuck , Mijail Kabadjov , Richard Tobin , Michael Matthews
Maria Liakata , Ewan Klein , Daniel Duma , Amanda Clare
language resources and evaluation 1737 -1742
James Stewart , Ewan Klein , Catherine Mcgill
Data for Policy
Ewan Klein , Michael Roth
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Language and Ontologies 15 -21
Uta Hinrichs , Richard Tobin , Ewan Klein , Claire Grover
Trading Consequences Project
Ewan Klein , Rongzhou Shen , Claire Grover
CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference on Chinese Language Processing
Paolo Pareti , Ewan Klein , Adam Barker
arXiv: Artificial Intelligence