Sergio Svistoonoff , Audrey Creff , Matthieu Reymond , Cécile Sigoillot-Claude
Nature Genetics 39 ( 6) 792 -796
Lilian Ricaud , Caroline Proux , Jean-Pierre Renou , Olivier Pichon
PLOS ONE 2 ( 5)
Laurent Laplaze , Boris Parizot , Andrew Baker , Lilian Ricaud
Journal of Experimental Botany 56 ( 419) 2433 -2442
Françoise Cellier , Geneviève Conéjéro , Lilian Ricaud , Doan Trung Luu
Plant Journal 39 ( 6) 834 -846
Boris Parizot , Laurent Laplaze , Lilian Ricaud , Elodie Boucheron-Dubuisson
Plant Physiology 146 ( 1) 140 -148
Lilian Ricaud , Maxime Thibon , Laurent Marseault , Jean-Luc Chotte
GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 30 ( 4) 237 -242
L Ricaud , C Proux , JP Renou , O Pichon