Dmitry B. Goldgof , Vasant Manohar , Sudeep Sarkar
University of South Florida
Pradeep Natarajan , Stavros Tsakalidis , Vasant Manohar , Rohit Prasad
conference of the international speech communication association 313 -316
Dmitry Goldgof , Rangachar Kasturi , Vasant Manohar , Padmanabhan Soundararajan
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 151 -161
Vasant Manohar , Dmitry Goldgof , Sudeep Sarkar , Yong Zhang
workshop on applications of computer vision 42 -42
Matthew Shreve , Sridhar Godavarthy , Vasant Manohar , Dmitry Goldgof
workshop on applications of computer vision 1 -6
Yan Qiu , Xuejun Sun , Vasant Manohar , Dmitry Goldgof
Medical Imaging 2008: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Modeling 6918 ( 35)
Matthew Shreve , Vasant Manohar , Dmitry Goldgof , Sudeep Sarkar
international conference on biometrics theory applications and systems 1 -6
Padmanabhan Soundararajan , Matthew Boonstra , Vasant Manohar , Valentina Korzhova
indian conference on computer vision, graphics and image processing 829 -836
Vasant Manohar , Matthew Shreve , Dmitry Goldgof , Sudeep Sarkar
international conference on pattern recognition 1 -4
Vasant Manohar , Shiv N Vitaladevuni , Huaigu Cao , Rohit Prasad
international conference on document analysis and recognition 574 -578
Vasant Manohar , Stavros Tsakalidis , Pradeep Natarajan , Rohit Prasad
Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Multimedia - MM '11 1537 -1540
Vasant Manohar , Matthew Shreve , Dmitry Goldgof , Sudeep Sarkar
international conference on pattern recognition 2122 -2125
Vasant Manohar , Padmanabhan Soundararajan , Matthew Boonstra , Harish Raju
document analysis systems 576 -587
Vasant Manohar , Matthew Boonstra , Valentina Korzhova , Padmanabhan Soundararajan
Proceedings of IEEE international workshop on performance evaluation of tracking and surveillance 1 -6
Vasant Manohar , Padmanabhan Soundararajan , Valentina Korzhova , Matthew Boonstra
Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting III 6741 68 -78
Yong Zhang , Robert W Kramer , Dmitry B Goldgof , Vasant Manohar
Yong Zhang , John R Sullins , Dmitry B Goldgof , Vasant Manohar
Huaigu Cao , Vasant Manohar , Prem Natarajan , Rohit Prasad
First International Workshop on Frontiers in Arabic Handwritng Recognition, 2010
Andrea Olgiati , Nitin Singhal , Yuri Natanzon , Vasant Manohar