Carla Limongelli , Valentina Poggioni , Andrea Orlandini , Marta Cialdea
international joint conference on artificial intelligence 1711 -1712
Igor Melatti , Jean-Christophe Malapert , Andrea Orlandini , Ed A. Kuijpers
63rd International Astronautical Congress 2012, IAC 2012
Marie Lidskog , Amedeo Cesta , Britt Östlund , Carin Fredriksson
Alessandro Umbrico , Marta Cialdea Mayer , Andrea Orlandini
6th Italian Workshop on Planning and Scheduling, IPS 2015 1493 17 -32
Amedeo Cesta , Alessandro Umbrico , Stefano Borgo , Andrea Orlandini
international conference on automated planning and scheduling 358 -366
Malik Ghallab , Nick Hawes , Daniele Magazzeni , Brian C Williams
Dagstuhl Reports 7 ( 1) 73
Angelo Montanari , Marta Cialdea Mayer , Nicola Gigante , Andrea Orlandini
international conference on automated planning and scheduling 116 -124
Amedeo Cesta , Alessandro Umbrico , Lorenzo Molinari Tosatti , Stefania Pellegrinelli
4th Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, AIRO 2017 2054 47 -52
Alessandro Umbrico , Andrea Orlandini , Marta Cialdea , Cesta Amedeo
international conference on automated planning and scheduling 264 -272
Amedeo Cesta , Alessandro Umbrico , Gabriella Cortellessa , Andrea Orlandini
Ercim News 2018
Alessandro Umbrico , Gabriella Cortellessa , Andrea Orlandini , Amedeo Cesta
AI*AAL@AI*IA 3 -15
Alessandro Umbrico , Gabriella Cortellessa , Andrea Orlandini , Amedeo Cesta
AIRO@AI*IA 42 -50
Alessandro Umbrico , Andrea Orlandini , Marta Cialdea , Cesta Amedeo
1st Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Formal Verification, Logics, Automata and Synthesis 2509 89 -93
Amedeo Cesta , Simone Fratini , Andrea Orlandini , Alberto Finzi
Fundamenta Informaticae 107 ( 2) 111 -137
Marta Cialdea Mayer , Carla Limongelli , Andrea Orlandini , Valentina Poggioni
congress of the italian association for artificial intelligence 2829 324 -335
Marta Cialdea Mayer , Andrea Orlandini , Alessandro Umbrico
international symposium on temporal representation and reasoning 37 -46
Marta Cialdea Mayer , Andrea Orlandini
international symposium on temporal representation and reasoning 160 -169
Nicola Gigante , Angelo Montanari , Marta Cialdea Mayer , Andrea Orlandini
international symposium on temporal representation and reasoning 100 -109
Alessandro Umbrico , Amedeo Cesta , Marta Cialdea Mayer , Andrea Orlandini
International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence 11946 250 -263
Amedeo Cesta , Alberto Finzi , Simone Fratini , Andrea Orlandini
Knowledge Engineering Review 25 ( 3) 299 -318