Jens Grubert , Lukas Witzani , Alexander Otte , Travis Gesslein
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Tobias Isenberg , Jens Grubert , Sheelagh Carpendale , Mark Hanckock
University of Groningen, Johann Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science
Gerhard Reitmayr , Jens Grubert , Lyndon J. B. Nixon , James Scicluna
I-SEMANTICS (Posters & Demos) 48 -54
Eyal Ofek , Michel Pahud , Per Ola Kristensson , Lukas Witzani
arXiv: Human-Computer Interaction
Eyal Ofek , Michel Pahud , Per Ola Kristensson , Daniel Schneider
arXiv: Human-Computer Interaction
Per Ola Kristensson , Susanne Mayr , Matthias Kranz , Jens Grubert
symposium on spatial user interaction
Dieter Schmalstieg , Wolfgang Büschel , Nazmus Saquib , Maxime Cordeil
human factors in computing systems
Gerhard Reitmayr , Jens Grubert , Nixon Lyndon
Jens Grubert , Dieter Schmalstieg
human computer interaction with mobile devices and services 99 -102
Hartmut Seichter , Jens Grubert , Tobias Langlotz
human computer interaction with mobile devices and services 616 -621
Daniel Schneider , Alexander Otte , Axel Simon Kublin , Alexander Martschenko
2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) 804 -805
Andreas Hartl , Jens Grubert , Christian Reinbacher , Clemens Arth
ieee virtual reality conference 119 -126
Jens Grubert , Matthias Kranz
ieee virtual reality conference 461 -462
Jens Grubert , Matthias Kranz
ieee virtual reality conference 459 -460
Alexander Otte , Tim Menzner , Travis Gesslein , Philipp Gagel
2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) 1729 -1732
Tim Menzner , Alexander Otte , Travis Gesslein , Jens Grubert
2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) 1080 -1081
Jens Grubert , Raphaël Grasset , Gerhard Reitmayr
nordic conference on human computer interaction 238 -246
Peter Mohr , Markus Tatzgern , Jens Grubert , Dieter Schmalstieg
symposium on 3d user interfaces 176 -181
Jens Grubert , Eyal Ofek , Michel Pahud , Per Ola Kristensson
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 38 ( 6) 125 -133
Jens Grubert , Matthias Kranz
human factors in computing systems 3966 -3971