Neora Berger Shem-Shaul , Olav W Bertelsen , J David Bolter , Willi Bruns
Leonardo 36 ( 4) 255 -255
Vinny Cahill , Aaron Quigley , Thomas Strang
Ivan Poupyrev , Shahram Izadi , Takeo Igarashi , Aaron Quigley
user interface software and technology
Bernt Schiele , Paddy Nixon , Kenneth P. Fishkin , Aaron Quigley
Miguel Nacenta , Giulio Jacucci , Michael Horn , Aaron Quigley
interactive tabletops and surfaces
Aaron Quigley
Harald Reiterer , Roman Rädle , Saul Greenberg , Kasper Honbaek
Dagstuhl Reports 3 ( 11) 29 -57
Bob Kummerfeld , Rene Hexel , Chris Johnson , Judy Kay
2003 Smart Internet Annual Conference
Uta Hinrichs , Katja Rogers , Aaron Quigley
Björn Landfeldt , Trent Apted , David West , Aaron Quigley
AVI 2004 Workshop Invisible & Transparent Interfaces 16 -21
Adrian K. Clear , Paddy Nixon , Simon Dobson , Ross Shannon
International Workshop on Ubiquitous Systems Evaluation (USE) in conjunction with UbiComp 393
Aaron Quigley , Mike Bennett
international conference on user modeling adaptation and personalization 25 -37
Bob Kummerfeld , René Hexel , Chris Johnson , Aaron Quigley
australasian user interface conference 28 49 -56
Simon Dobson , Aaron Quigley
This Pervasive Day 99 -111
Paddy Nixon , Ross Shannon , Aaron Quigley
ubiquitous computing
Uta Hinrichs , Richard Tobin , Ewan Klein , Claire Grover
Trading Consequences Project
Aaron Quigley , Heikki Ailisto
1st International Workshop on Self-Managing Solutions for Smart Environments, S3E 2011 and International Workshop on Health and Well-Being Tech. and Services for Elderly, HWTS 2011, Held in Conjunction with the 6th Int. Conference on Grid and Pervasive Comp., GPC 2011
Klen Čopič Pucihar , Matjaž Kljun , Maheshya Weerasinghe , Aaron Quigley
womENcourage 2018 October 3-5, Belgrade, Serbia
Uta Hinrichs , Loraine Clarke , Aaron Quigley , Iain Carson
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 5 ( 1) 1 -30
Nicolai Marquardt , Björn Schuller , Ran Ju , Elisabeth André
human factors in computing systems